I’m back….

Hello world wide web friends! It’s been a long while, life has been barreling along with no regard to my wanting it to slow down at all. In the last 1 ½ yr since I regularly posted: my husband is one year further along in school (whoop whoop), my oldest is in 1st grade, my youngest T-K (transitional K), my housekeeping skills have gotten a little slack, I’ve been cooking more, I lost FIFTY pounds. And then I went and gained FIFTY pounds. It’s been an exhausting while.
Now the housekeeping skills, I figured that until I can learn how to freeze them all, it’s really a lost cause. They literally tail behind me undoing what I’ve done.  I like to call my new method prepping for Halloween.  Why buy webs and dust when I can have my own collection.  And I have better things to do. As does anyone…
Schooling, thats all par for the course. It’s exciting to watch my husband do so well in school. The boys. They keep me on the edge of my seat wondering what new excuse they’ll come up with next. “But Mom, my throat hurst.” Then stop talking, that has nothing to do with your writing pages. “Mom, I”M DYING” That the 5 yr old uses multiple times a day. At this point I don’t expend more energy on these comments other than The Eyebrow Lift.
It’s the pounds, People. That bothers me. Please don’t ask how I gained back 50 lbs, other than the obvious I ate too much/not enough exercise scenario, no one really sets out to gain 50 lbs.
So now I’m back at at. And gosh darn it, my fat cells are clinging on for dear life. They remember how I tossed them out before and I guess I’m so cool they want to stay.
But I’ll win this. Again. It’s harder this time, but I know that I’ll N.E.V.E.R. gain it back again.
I’m doing a 30 day challenge right now that I’ll blog about as well as how my reluctant family is coping with all the HEALTH foods floating around. My 3 men are apparently naturally opposed to (and allergic my 7 yr old tells me) anything remotely good for you.
So until tomorrow….

{{ diy gel manicure }}

I think that most mom’s have something that they do or try to maintain about themselves to keep the “I’m still a human and a lady” feeling intact. It used to be my hair, no matter what else was going on, I had no roots. I might have gained an elephant’s equal in weight, nails and toes probably had chipped polish, and holes and stains on my clothes. And the uniform was jeans with whatever clean shirt was available. But slowly as the boys get older I’ve been able to wear “nicer” clothes, like maybe a skirt…and it’s so nice! Well, except for the previously stated elephant thighs rubbing together and causing “thigh burn.”
But last year I practically fried my hair off, so no more beautiful blonde locks. I now rock the Ghetto Ombré look. I still prefer jeans, a nice top and my Converse or flats most days.


About a year and a half ago I went and got all the stuff to do the gel manicure myself, and I love it.  After a few time I pretty much nailed it (pun intended).  Each manicure lasts a long time and doesn’t chip for a while (I’m super hard so mine don’t last as long as it could for others.)

So while I’ve given up on hair, clothes, and whatever else, at least my nails look ok.  It’s nice knowing that when you wake up looking like death warmed up that your nails still look like they belonged to someone else.    And lately I’ve needed that, my hair is Ghetto Ombre, clothes nothing special, and working out again so half the day I’m in sweaty exercise clothes.  It’s the little things right?!

What’s your “thing”?  Hair, nails, a hobby?  I know somedays I consider it a monumental success that the kids and I have survived the day.

So I’m cool now…

So the boys saw my new Converse {{Wonder Woman}} shoes and declared me as cool as them. Because, you know, they are way cool with their Barman converse they have been sporting. Apparently your shoes give you superpowers. I’ll have to see if mine make the laundry disappear tomorrow 😉😜





I homeschool, therefore I must also have oodles and oodles of spare time, or so I think to myself. Time to keep the house immaculate, children in pristine condition, dinners healthy, warm and eatable, husbands happy, myself fit, healthy, and decent enough for public viewing.

When in reality I’m actually running around the house like a chicken with my head cut off, cleaning up the same 10 messes, only getting schoolwork done in 10 minute increments. In my exercise clothes that haven’t seen any exercise yet today. Or just staring at the wall wondering what to do next, not able to decide where to start. I’ve made schedules and lists, but unless you stick to them they don’t always help;) Mine tend to all start with me waking up at 5am to get a head start on the day. And that’s the problem. I don’t do 5am. So I’m back to just trying to figure out what works best for us, me and them. And it’s like going through a maze blindfolded. I’m just hoping and praying that I’ll figure it out before they begin college;)

Everyone is busy. Even my 4 year old tells me he doesn’t have time to clean up his mess, he’s busy playing. And it’s hard to argue with that, at least he’s playing!

Time is elusive, everyone wants and needs more time. But I’m realizing that I do have time, I’m just not using it well. And that kinda sucks.


Where O Where Art Thou Kindness?!

Certain things are not always that noticeable until there is a severe lack of it. And glaring at the top of my parenting to do list is kindness. The way the boys talk to each other is not kind. It’s just rude and mean. I know some of that is just 4 & 5 year old talk, but there has been some just plain ‘ol mean words exchanged lately. Something that I thought “we” had a handle on, but it has become oh so apparent the last few weeks that we don’t. And it kills me to say, the problem lies with me (as does much I’m finding). I need more patience, the patience to answer them with kindness. There is just no reason to be unkind, but how do you teach that to children? Other than the obvious lead by example (I’m trying!), we talk about what it means to be kind. How to touch with kindness (like don’t squeeze your rat to death). How to speak with kindness (it’s also your tone if voice). But it doesn’t last long.
